File formats accepted:
We accept any MAC or PC version of PDF (prefered), Quark, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, and Publisher. If you have a Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, other RGB files, or are unsure if your file will work, just give us a call at 1-888-337-1521. We accept PDF, EPS, JPEG, and TIFF files.
Our presses are able to handle up to 20”x29” including bleeds. Set your document size to equal the trim size of your finished piece, and extend the bleed by 1/8” (.125) beyond the trim on all sizes. This applies to all files including business card files. When submitting tri-fold brochures, adjust the panels so that the first folded panel is 1/16” shorter than the other two for 80 lb. text paper, and 1/8” shorter for 100 lb. text and cover weight papers.
It is important when your project reaches the “cutting” phase. If you have a background or image that goes to the edge, make sure it has a bleed of 1/8 of an inch (.125) pass the trim marks. When creating a file in Illustrator, give it bleed and create trim marks on the outside, in order for us to know exactly how the file’s correct placement. This is extremely important if you are not using a page layout program such as Quark or InDesign. Remember that trim marks and bleed are a must if your document bleeds.
Avoid using 4 color type, especially on type smaller than 10 point. Make sure your black type is black and not registration.
Avoid using hairlines, set the line thickness to at least .25 points.
When sending a job you should send us these 3 elements:
- Output files and proofs
- Support graphics
- Fonts
Output Files and Proofs:
When not using a layout program, your files should be submitted as EPS, TIFF or PDF files. Remember to save as EPS with images embedded and fonts outlined with trim marks and bleed.
When doing a “collect for output” in Flightcheck or Quark make sure you do a visual of items that go with file to make sure nothing is missing before you burn to CD/DVD or FTP the file over. Make sure there are no missing or modified items. When placing a file on the FTP site or by email, please compress files (MAC – Stuffit / PC – WinZip)
Delete any linking files that are no longer needed in your file. Avoid covering graphics, images or type with white boxes. Those items are still there but slow down the processing of your files. Do not rename a linked file after saving the main file.
When submitting your job, attach a PDF proof sample or mail us a printed sample of the file.
Support Graphics:
Include a copy of every image placed in your document including scans, photos, clipart and placed EPS graphics. Do not embed images into your document; we can only troubleshoot linked images.
Scans could be saved as JPEG. For better quality printing, all files should be of 300 dpi. Anything less will reduce the quality; anything more can greatly increase the size of your file. Crop and rotate your images in Photoshop rather than the layout file to optimize processing. Try not to increase the size of your scan more than 50%.
All Photoshop files are to be CMYK for 4 color work. No low-res. images please. No RGB or JPEG images. Total area density should not exceed 300%.
PDF- If you are sending over a PDF for printing make sure it is set up correctly. It must be High quality PDF file. For this to be true, all elements inside the PDF must be Hi-Res files. The most popular desktop method used to generate the highest quality suitable for print production is to make a hi-end postscript file then distill it in Acrobat with press-optimized.
Please include a copy of all the fonts, including linked EPS files, used in your files. Making a font bold or italic by applying bold or italic in the application menu could cause a type substitution. You should select the specific font face you want to use instead.
Mac users must provide both printer and screen font files for any PostScript font. PostScript fonts are generally more reliable than TrueType fonts. TrueType fonts have one font file, generally found in the system folder. Font files for every TrueType font used must be provided. Please do not zip fonts files, compress them by using Stuffit.